Finn vom Sutumer Grund Finn was born on July 8th, 2006 in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, not far away from famous soccer arena "Schalke". Maybe that`s the reason he loves all kinds of balls ;-)... At this place a big "Thank you" to his breeder Manu Bortel! Thanks for giving him such a great start in life! I picked him because we love short coats and because he has got a lot of working dogs in his pedigree. Finn was meant to be a family member and a best friend for our youngest son Seàn. He turned out to be a great sport dog, a successful show dog and a solid stud... Everybody who has ever met Finn can tell stories about his outstanding gentle and open character! He is one of the most friendly dogs I ever met and he gives his positive character to all his offspring! A lot of his sons and daughters are Service dogs, working as Police K9, Blind Guides, Therapy & Rescue Dogs. Even his grandchildren are just about the same! This makes us very proud! Nevertheless he also passes on his beauty and so his offspring is successful in the show ring as well!
Und er hat wieder gesiegt - Bundessiegerschau Dortmund 2015: Am 15. Oktober 2015 wurde Finn Bester Veteran, VDH BUNDESVETERANENSIEGER 2015 und - unter absolut starker Konkurrenz von über 20 anderen Rassen - BESTER VETERAN IN SHOW!!!
And he did it again - Bundessiegerschau Dortmund 2015: On October 15, 2015 Finn became Best Veteran, VDH BUNDES-VETERANENENSIEGER 2015 and - in competition with over 20 different breeds - BEST VETERAN IN SHOW!!!
I JUST LOVE MY BOY !!! BEST IN SHOW VETERAN !!! Sehr beeindruckend: Auf der gut besuchten XXI Alpentrophy 2016, der größten Clubschau des österreichischen Clubs WSÖ, konnte FiNN mit gut 10 Jahren alle anderen Rüden in den Schatten stellen und holte sich in seinem stolzen Alter noch das BOS (Best Opposite Sex)!!! Very impressive: At the very well visited XXI Alpentrophy 2016, the biggest Club Show of the Austrian Club WSÖ, 10 year old Finn put all the other males in the background and received BOS (Best Opposite Sex)!!! WE ARE SO PROUD!!!
Auf der Bayernsiegerschau des BVWS 2016 (VDH) konnte Finn erneut beweisen, welche Qualität und Vitalität er besitzt und so wurde er mit knapp 10 Jahren unter vielen guten gemeldeten Rüden BOS (Best Opposite Sex)!!! At the Bayernsiegerschau of teh BVWS 2016 (VDH) Finn could prove himself again in quality and vitality and so he became BOS (Best Opposite Sex) among many young and high quality males!
Best in Show Veteran in Offenburg (VDH) 2015
Finn im Sport: